What are the Chakras?

Your magical Chakras are the key you've been searching for. They are not of ego or mind, or charlatan thoughts or the external spiritual trend of the moment. They are pure energy, divine and magnificent, connecting you to your body, Source, soul, spirit and more.

They are both your anchor points and your gateways to freedom. And when they sing, you Awaken.

The beautiful white golden light of Source streams through you. This is the energetic, eternal, spiritual pole of your existence, your True North. It is within and without, above and below, and the Chakras are like beautiful energetic spinning anchor points on it.

Everything moves, everything is in motion. The control matrix will try to keep you still and clinging, but once you realise everything about you is in constant motion, it changes everything. You become a moving target, rather than a still one 😊

There are 7 Key Body Chakras, 5 Key Energetic Field Chakras 

The 7 Key Body Chakras anchor you to your temporary physical body. They are like wheels, or vortexes. Beautiful spinning wheels of colour. They correspond to the physical areas of our human bodies that experience and hold the energies of all the different aspects of our lives on earth. From our physical needs to our highest evolution of self.

When we work with the 7 Key Body Chakras we are working with the multi-faceted aspects of life that can be experienced in this form on this planet.

The 5 Key Energetic Field Chakras anchor you to the star of the earth, the spirit of Gaia, your Soul, your Sacred Spirit and beyond. They are like stars and portals: Earth Star, Gaia Portal, Soul Star and Spirit Star. 

They connect you to vast portals of knowledge, soul memories, Sacred Spirit, your true Guide, your true Guardian Angel, your true Star Family, the vast knowledge of the cosmos and of the higher realms, higher beings and beyond.

The 12th Chakra is the Mystic Chakra. And that is a very special level of awakening.

They are your eternal lifeline, connecting you to all that is, and they unlock the energetic code to your awakening.

The Seven Key Body Chakras - The Starting Point

Colour and Sound

Colour heals.

Sound heals.

And we use colour and sound to clear, heal and activate the Chakras.

Oh what a ride that is. This is a journey, an unfolding. And it is a magical one.

Consistency and focus are key. But the beautiful thing about the Chakras is that if you have the right tools, you can focus on them a couple of minutes a day, every day, every couple of days, and feel the results very quickly.

This is because the Chakras are pure. They are not of the ego, or the mind, or charlatan thoughts, or the latest spiritual trend. They are of the eternal you, the spirit you. They are here to anchor you to your divine truth in this temporary form in this game of awakening.

They are colour and movement and energy.

They are source in a pure form.

And you go inwards to access their divine wisdom.

The truth is always within.

The control matrix will always try to distract with you the external.

The truth is always within.

Source is always within.

You, are always within.

Know thyself.

The Chakra activation videos below contain very different energies, but both will activate your Chakras and start you on a journey of awakening.

Embrace the two different energies. We are never just one thing.


True North True Guided Journal

The True North True Guided Journal was created to record, guide and inspire your authentic journey home, to you. This is a journal for an inspired journey, and it uses the ease and beauty of art, colour, Chakras, word and affirmation to guide, activate, spark and heal.

We are here to be our wonderfully unique selves. And it's when we live authentically from our place of truth that we experience true joy, serenity, adventure, magic and love.

We see the world with our new eyes and feel its beating divine pulse with our new heart.

This is more than a journal. In addition to beautifully and artfully crafted pages to record your own story, it contains:

Chakra activations
Reference material

Live your True North True. Awaken.

Available Now