Chakra Guide

The 7 Key Body Chakras

The 7 most well known Chakras, corresponding to key physical and energetic centres in the physical body. When the 7 Key Chakras are aligned and activated, kundalini rises, life and awareness shifts, and the magical path of true awakening can open up for you.

The 5 Key Awakening Chakras

When the 7 Key Chakras are aligned and activated, the magical world of the Awakening Chakras can open up for you. These Chakras will only open up in your awareness when you are ready. You’ll naturally be drawn to these Chakras when the next level of Awakening opens up for you. And so begins the adventure of a lifetime.

The 7 Key Body Chakras

Root Chakra

The base seat of the physical body. Root of existence, foundation, grounding, security. Rooting in the physical. Red. I do not just survive, I thrive.

Sacral Chakra

The lower belly, womb of creation, hips. One’s own place. Dwelling place. Orange, flow, sensuality, creativity, bliss, hips, creation. I tingle with the bliss of divine connection and divine creation.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The belly, core, gut. Lustrous gem. Yellow, solar, sun, rays, power, energy, vitality, courage, confidence. I can. I will. I do.

Heart Chakra

The heart. Unhurt, unstuck, unbeaten. Green, pink, connection, beating, feeling it all, divine love, divine truth, pulsing, stargate, awareness.

Throat Chakra

The throat. Pure, purification, purified. Speak. Blue. Authentic voice, authentic expression, authentic self. I share my truth with the world. I speak.

Third Eye Chakra

Between the brows. Perceive, command, beyond wisdom. Indigo, spirituality, intuition, awakening, expanded awareness, true vision, divine truth, stepping into wisdom.

Crown Chakra

Crown of the head. Thousand petals. Violet, white, gold. Lotus, light, source, deep connection with the divine, Enlightenment. One with life. Filled with peace. The gateway to the next level of Awakening.

The 5 Key  Awakening Chakras

Gaia Portal Chakra

Far beneath your physical body connecting you to the cosmic Spirit of Gaia deep, deep in the centre of the earth. Gaia connects to Source and cosmos deep, deep down in her portal to the other realms.

Earth Star Chakra

Several feet beneath your physical body connecting you to the mysticism, magic, primal and elemental nature of earth.

Soul Star Chakra

Several feet above your physical body connecting you to the Over-Soul, your other dimensional selves, your Akashic Essence and the Akashic Records.

Spirit Star Chakra

Above the Soul Star Chakra connecting you to your Highest Essence, your Star Essence, your most Ancient Entity origin and All That Is.

Mystic Chakra

Far above the Spirit Star Chakra connecting you to new levels of Awakening, Star Essence abilities, direct communication with other realms, dimension and beings. Potent Source connection. Potent Sourse wisdom. Life changing.

The 7 Key Body Chakras

The 5 Key Awakening Chakras