Channeled Message re Affirmations

Channeled Message re Affirmations

Affirmation Station for the Spiritually Awakened. This is a channeled message and this is an absolute Game Changer. 

Channeled Message

Affirmation station for the Spiritually Awakened:

  • Freedom
  • Soul contract fulfilled
  • Unique gifts mastered

What a game changer.

Three affirmations to focus on that literally change your focus on just about everything in your life.


Freedom covers literally everything in terms of having the freedom to do what we

want so that our basic needs taken care of. So, the freedom to do what you want when

you want - how nice.

So often with affirmations we’re taught to focus on the car, the house, the riches, the wealth, but really all everyone wants is the freedom to be themselves. To live the way they want to live and not feel they have to go to some awful job and just to make ends meet.

We want the freedom to be able to do whatever we want and it's much broader implications are the freedom to be ourselves. To express ourselves. To express different opinions, different ideass to be truly ourselves and not be harassed or bullied in any way.

Whether it be by our governments or whether it be by the people around us, society

at large.

Leave people alone, let them be themselves, let them be free.

So freedom in every sense of the word.

Soul Contract Fulfilled

Do you dare do you dare to take that one on?

That's a pretty big one and when you get to the stage of where you're actually talking to your sacred spirit, your sacred spirit team, your true guides, your true guardian angels, if you channel, if you're talking to the entities that you're probably a soul fragment of.

If you're talking to those larger ancient entities that essentially birthed you at some stage and you discover what your soul contract really is, that's a big one. That can be a bit of a bit of a scary one to go okay, all right, that's what I agreed to.

Okay I'll do it!

But it can make your whole life suddenly go “ah.” It's such an aha moment. You just want to make sure - align those Chakras, stay in the light and be in a very awakened state before you take that one on.

But that’s what’s going to change the whole ball game for you.

Unique Gifts Mastered

Part of that Soul contract is coming here with unique gifts and part of those unique gifts are to share them, and that's for everyone. We've all got something. We've all got

something unique, we are all unique and we've all got something unique to give to the world.

That doesn't mean you be world famous, be a celebrity. Who wants to be celebrity right now? Ick. We're certainly how icky that world can be.

It just means sharing your unique gifts even if it's with one person, even if you literally don't know one person to share it with, jumping on whatever platform you want to jump on and share it.

It doesn't matter if two people see it, if one person sees it, if no-one sees it, a million people see it. It literally doesn't matter. It's the act of you honoring your unique

gifts and sharing your unique gifts with the world that's important. That's what matters.

And yes it is also honoring your whole sacred spirit team and they're all backing you and supporting you and protecting you in that.

Just be uniquely you and master those gifts. Even if it's just for yourself master those gifts Master those gifts that you've been given, and do share them because you are so highly

valued and your gifts are so highly valued no matter what they are, so please do share them with the world.

This channeled message has certainly changed my perspective on many things.


Soul contract fulfilled

Unique gifts mastered

What a life! What a life to live.

Sarah Songdale
